
Fiat+/-Lux MediaFiat+/-Lux Media

The relationship between Fiat+/-Lux Media and 12939 Media Architecture is purely symbiotic, the second being initially created to develop the first. Nowadays, the numerous projects of Fiat+/-Lux are the ideal sandbox for 12939, who regularly uses them as an opportunity to try out it's latest developments.

Contes de faitsContes de faits

One of our very first clients. Contes de faits, at start a local radio show about children literature, rapidly evolved into a full-fledged Webzine. The site is now based on Diesel-Wiki and is also a laboratory for our latest technologies. The site is being ported on Diesel-Entity (Prototype 2).

Tours Voir QuébecTours Voir Québec

Creating Tours Voir Québec's website (that made them win a Grand Prize of Quebec Tourism in 2010) propelled the development of the Diesel framework. The site, itself entirely based on Diesel-Wiki, offers a custom online reservation system for walking tours and combo offers elaborated with different partners from Quebec's local tourism industry.

Christiane Bélanger–DanseChristiane Bélanger–Danse

en/Clients/Christiane Bélanger–Danse/info

Quebec City BalletQuebec City Ballet

en/Clients/Quebec City Ballet/info

Centre UrielCentre Uriel

en/Clients/Centre Uriel/info

Ballet Society of QuebecBallet Society of Quebec

en/Clients/Ballet Society of Quebec/info

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